Monday, February 22, 2010

Do Mac Eyeshadows Have Expiry Dates


Not really the time to post today (I defer to another day my ticket on trade and environment) but to console you here qq writings of interest: The
  1. Globalization is sometimes surprising! by Paul Krugman
  2. The financial and economic crisis should lead us to rethink the macroeconomic policy, by Blanchard, Dell'Ariccia and Mauro .
  3. Emotions are stronger than reason ... dirty time by climate change Robert Frank.
  4. WTO and his endless Doha by Hufbauer, Schott and Wong.
  5. The Hedge Fund hate the euro
  6. An undervalued Chinese currency, let's stop complaining about the Americans, it's mainly emerging toast by Subramanian.
  7. The fall in the trade, look at the side of banks


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