Amphi 2A of the flour market (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7, rue Marguerite Duras)
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All children in the world have tried the coloring at the age of 2 or 3 years. Apply the color on a plot is instinctive in humans, making gaps occur or coloring may also be considered a manifestation of human instinct. The gaps occur
would have appeared in both France and Japan in the second half of the 19 th century. In France, it coincides with the advent of railroads. Like children who boarded the steam trains were scared of Hachette had the idea to publish and sell coloring books, a practice that is still relevant today.
Today, "Japan" is in vogue around the world. Japanese culture is growing more and more through its high quality products, manga and game software. The "gaps occur in Kiichi", still popular today, was a great success from the mid-1940s and the mid-1960s. It is designed with great thoroughness and is very attractive. He paved the way for cartoons and Japanese comics.
Today in Japan, gaps occur in adult is very successful. Starting with a historical background, we will present the current position occupied by the gaps occur and its future. It is unknown aspect of Japanese culture that we invite you to discover.
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